What is your favorite horsie-related read?
I grew up devouring The Thoroughbred Series by JoAnne Campbell! I wanted to be a jockey until I hit the very un-jockey-like height of 5'8". Never-the-less, I loved getting lost in the books and then running out to the barn, saddling up my mare, shortening the stirrups, and racing through the pastures.
Currently, two of my recent favorite horsie-reads are definitely The God of Animals (Aryn Kyle) and Chosen by a Horse (Susan Richards)!
The writing in The God of Animals is haunting. I literally read sentences over and over as the wording was so stunning and honest. And, this book has the best opening line I have read in a long time..."Six months before Polly Cain drowned in the canal, my sister, Nona, ran off and married a cowboy." This story had me at the first line and NEVER let me go. This will be one I will reread.
Chosen by a Horse made me laugh and cry and laugh and cry. The author was spot-on with her descriptions of horse behavior and thoughts. Loved, loved, loved.
Now, what is your favorite horsie-read? I'm always looking for new books to add to my pile...