Sparks ~ Maren Anderson

By Maren Anderson

“Rosie wants to tear down the ancient cowshed on her ranch to make room for more horses, but it is unlucky to knock down a barn. Rosie thinks this is superstitious hogwash. That's why she and her handsome new ... friend ... Patrick get drunk one night and knock the shed down with the tractor, unleashing something very dark and very angry.

Rosie is thrust into a world of magic she didn't know existed. The cowsprite under the shed is deadly and won't leave, the people she's known for years have secret powers, and the effing trees have eyes. Rosie fights to regain control of her ranch, control of her heart, control of anything, while the answer might be the thing Rosie struggles with most.” ~Amazon Description

Brittney Joy’s Review ~ Sparks is a story comprised of romance, folklore, and the paranormal which made me feel safe and scared me at alternating points. I was immediately drawn in by Rosie's story, her love of horses, and her determination to make her boarding stable thrive no matter her roadblocks. And she has a big one-- a magical sprite haunting her property! I was so intrigued by this idea of a sprite and was thrilled to find that Maren gave the sprite it's own point of view in the story. In the beginning, I turned the pages quickly so I could find out who/what this sprite was and why it would be haunting Rosie. Then, as the story moved along, I flipped the pages because I was rooting for Rosie, worried for her, and wanted her to succeed. However, because I also got to see the sprite's point of view, I was also ultimately rooting for the sprite.

In the midst of the mystery, there's a fun (& sometimes steamy!) romance that brews and I thoroughly enjoyed the setting of the boarding stable and horses. I'm not sure if the author has experience with horses, but she did a fabulous job of portraying life in the barn, the riding scenes, and the horse characters. Fun, intriguing story!